Chicago Mailing Tube Co.

Manufacturer of Spiral Wound Paper Tubes, Cores & Mailing Tubes

(312) 243-6050
[email protected]

  • cmt-kraft-tubes

Buy 3.000 x 12 Kraft Tubes With Plastic Plugs

Three kraft mailing tubes with white plastic plugs

At Chicago Mailing Tube Co., we provide quality mailing tubes and cores at affordable prices. Check out more of our popular sizes and styles by visiting this page, or learn about them below.

Our Kraft Tubes

Our kraft tubes, such as our 3.000 x 12 kraft tubes with plastic plugs, are an excellent way of getting your fragile documents, photos, posters, or artwork where it needs to go. These tubes feature hardy cardboard with plastic plugs at the end that keep the contents secure during shipping but can be easily inserted by the sender and removed by the recipient. 

Our tubes are made with 100% recycled paper, and we shred our own scrap to lessen the impact of our company on the environment. We are proud to operate efficiently so that our customers have the peace of mind that supporting good environmental practices brings.

We offer wholesale options and a fast turnaround time for our kraft tubes, so no matter how big your order is, we can be sure to take care of it. We ship our supplies nationwide, so you don’t need to worry about our product not being able to reach you.

To learn more about our company and what we offer or to receive a quote, contact us by filling out our contact form or by calling (312) 243-6050.